About Us
The First Congregation Church of Maltby was founded in 1903 by a small group of early settlers to this area. Today, Maltby Congregational continues to promote the Christian gospel, Christian fellowship and Christian service in our community.
While we are a member of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches, we very much remain an independent congregation. No other religious denomination represents or finances us. In these areas we look to our own members for leadership and support. Independent does not mean sectarian. We see ourselves as part of the larger church in this community and the world.
We are self-governed. We raise our own funds, direct our financial affairs, elect our leaders, call our pastors, prioritize our ministries and choose the local and world missions we support.
As an independent community church, we are dedicated to serving our members and the residents of our community. We believe our highest Christian duty is to love our neighbors as ourselves. Our desire is that we might "become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ". Ephesians 4:13.
Our Covenant
As the Lord's Free People
We covenant with the Lord and with one another
And do bind ourselves in the presence of God
To walk together in all His ways.
Made known to us or to be made known.
As He is pleased to reveal Himself unto us
In His blessed Word of Truth.
Our congregational covenant is based on traditional church covenants in 17th century New England. It reminds us that church membership adds us to a larger Christian family. We read our covenant aloud whenever a family joins our congregation. It is our pledge to love one another and grow together in Christian maturity by praying, studying and ministering together.
Our Convictions
God loves our world.
Jesus gave his life to save the world.
Prayer is powerful and effective.
We should love our neighbors as ourselves.
We believe in freedom of conscience in following Christ.
We are a member of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC), a group which traces it's history back to the Pilgrims of Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1620.
The Congregational Way recognizes Jesus Christ as the sole head of the church with members of the congregation being in voluntary covenant with one another. Congregational Chruches, their pastors, scholars and members have served Christ through worship, music, prayer and contributions to the advancement of human rights, civil rights and social justice in the 19th, 20th and now in the 21st century. We are both proud of our roots and proud of our branches.